Business Insider

Martin Shkreli is buying websites associated with the names of journalists critical of him and customizing them with mocking messages

Former drug company executive Martin Shkreli arrives at U.S. District Court for the third day of jury deliberations in his securities fraud trial in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, U.S., August 2, 2017. REUTERS/Amr Alfiky
Martin Shkreli. Thomson Reuters

Over the past several months, the former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli has trolled journalists who have written or tweeted about him by purchasing internet domains associated with their names.

After sitting on the domain names for months, Shkreli appears to be customizing the sites, explicitly mocking reporters who have tweeted about him.

A website named after Maya Kosoff, a tech reporter at Vanity Fair, welcomes the visitor and adds, "Here we honor one of the most vibrant Social Justice advocates today," alluding to "social justice warriors," a derisive slur associated with advocacy for liberal causes.

Shkreli wrote a similar message on a website he bought associated with Caroline Moss, an editor at CNBC. A site associated with her name welcomes visitors and says it has "everything you need to know about this CNBC safe spacer," a reference to colleges' so-called safe spaces, which are often mocked by the right.

The former CEO also customized a domain associated with Emily Saul, a court reporter for the New York Post, and offered to sell the domain back to her for $12,000.

Since the beginning of the year, Shkreli has purchased domain names for 12 people, including journalists and commentators from CNBC, Vice, the Post, Vanity Fair, Teen Vogue, AOL, Bloomberg, Dealbreaker, Gizmodo, and Business Insider.

In an email to Business Insider, Shkreli dismissed Kosoff's and Moss' work and described his activity on the sites as "occupying cool namespaces."

"Anything special you want on yours?" he asked.

"I wouldn't call these people 'journalists.' They are the unwitting recipients of liberalism subsidy from large media and telecom companies," Shkreli said, adding that they were "only a few notches above the white supremacists we hear so much about these days."

Shkreli first sparked national outrage in 2015 when his company Turing Pharmaceuticals raised the price of a drug used to treat a disease that can be fatal in people with HIV by more than 5,000%. He has since embraced his image as a provocateur and "pharma bro."

On the day in January when Twitter suspended Shkreli's account for harassing Lauren Duca, an opinion writer at Teen Vogue, the former exec snagged

He has continued to mock and criticize journalists who've covered the spectacle surrounding his trial and celebrity, singling out outlets that cover the pharmaceutical industry.

Shkreli has repeatedly blasted CNBC, and he refused to take questions from a CNBC reporter after being convicted this month of securities fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud while he was managing his drug company Retrophin.

He livestreamed himself earlier this year purchasing domain names associated with Max Nisen, a pharma reporter at Bloomberg who has written about Shkreli, and Phil Witmer, a reporter at Noisey. Witmer had published a story titled "Lil B Shouts Out Martin Shkreli, We All Die a Little Inside," in which he dubbed Shkreli a "living cartoon gremlin" and called the rapper shout-out a "stain on the BasedGod's good name."

"Can I buy right now?" Shkreli said on the livestream. "Yes I can, and yes I will."

The former CEO has also toyed with reporters in other ways, posting private exchanges with Dylan Scott, a former correspondent for Stat News, to "put this geek journalist on notice" when Scott reached out to him for a story.

After Business Insider published an article in March about Shkreli's actions, he purchased a domain associated with the author and emailed him offering the opportunity to purchase it back.

Disclosure: Moss, Kosoff, and Nisen previously worked at Business Insider.

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