May 19, 2020

The Race

for a Covid-19 Vaccine

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The fate of the global economy now depends on scientists, who are undertaking the swiftest vaccine-development effort in history. As teams of researchers collaborate across borders, regulators slash red tape, and financiers design “vaccine bonds”, scores of vaccine candidates are in the works. The first human trials began just two months after SARS-CoV-2’s genome was sequenced — a process that typically takes a decade — raising hopes that one may become available this year. But distributing such a vaccine fairly may prove as difficult as inventing one. How can rich countries ensure that poor ones also benefit? And could success provide a model for similar collaboration on threats like climate change?


Mike Froman

Mike Froman

Vice Chairman and President, Strategic Growth, Mastercard
Melanie Saville

Melanie Saville

Director of Vaccine Research & Development CEPI
Anita Zaidi

Anita Zaidi

Director of Vaccine Development and Surveillance Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Andrew Browne

Andrew Browne

Editorial Director, Bloomberg New Economy

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Past conversations

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