
Wall Street Firm Will Pay Junior Bankers Not to Work

Evercore is offering to pay incoming junior bankers up to $25,000 to delay starting their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic

Evercore founder Roger Altman is seen in 2017. The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted Wall Street firms’ onboarding process for new employees. Photo: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg News

Evercore Inc. is offering to pay incoming junior bankers up to $25,000 to delay starting their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, according to external recruiters, a move that hasn’t been seen on Wall Street since the last financial crisis.

Recent college graduates who were due to start at Evercore later this summer will get $15,000 if they defer their start date until January and $25,000 if they wait until next summer to join, said recruiters who are in touch with incoming employees. A spokesman for Evercore declined to comment.

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