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The Shrink Next Door’s Other Patients

After our series on Ike Herschkopf and his strange, controlling relationship with Marty Markowitz, other patients surfaced—and many were angry.

The Southampton, New York, vacation home of Marty Markowitz, a former patient of Dr. Isaac Herschkopf.

Photographer: William Mebane
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In the almost three decades that Marty Markowitz was a patient of Ike Herschkopf, aka “The Shrink Next Door,” he got to know a handful of Ike’s other patients.

They were the ones who thought of themselves as part of Ike’s inner circle—“the familia,” as ex-patient Judith (not her real name) called them—the ones Ike invited to the summer parties he threw at Marty’s house in the Hamptons. In researching “The Shrink Next Door,” I contacted many of these former patients, and some of those who were willing to be interviewed told me Ike stories that were eerily similar to that of Marty.