Ambridge, Pa.

Ambridge, Pa.

Photographer: Dane Rhys for Bloomberg Businessweek

A Rust Belt Town’s Loyalties Divide as Pennsylvania Turns Purple

Ambridge resisted the Trump tide in 2016. How will it vote in 2020?

One afternoon in June, Mike Mikulich led a masked visitor into the empty chambers of the Ambridge Borough Council and dropped his mobile phone and thick forearms worthy of a former steelworker onto a table. As council president he’d been wrestling with one crisis after another for months. He confessed that after spending 32 of his 74 years helping run this former Pennsylvania factory town of 6,600, he was thinking of calling it quits.

Covid-19 had claimed Ambridge’s police chief in April and the owner of its leading funeral home just a few days later. Two of its biggest employers had closed up shop, laying off some 300 workers between them. Within weeks, a third business would suffer a devastating fire.