About the January 21 Event
Workplace Culture in Focus: Innovating During Crisis Creating and nurturing collaborative, innovative and creative corporate cultures is no easy feat even in the calmest of times. And now with the world turned upside down, finding new ways to reimagine cultures of innovation can vex even the most seasoned leaders. Here, we’ll talk to top executives and innovation experts as we address ways to build truly collaborative, innovative cultures in a remote world, with an eye toward solutions and steps executive leaders can take to make sure they stay competitive and profitable.
About the Series
As companies, schools, and governments look ahead to the next several months, one thing remains clear: nothing about “work” will ever be the same again. Companies that made necessary, abrupt shifts to remote work in 2020 now face the realization that while many things about these new processes are working, others are not working at all. For every business that was able to successfully pivot to remote work, there is one that has yet to solve for a lack of crucial, face-to-face interactions. For every company that was able to rapidly implement a digitization strategy, there is one that is still struggling to match the moment. Simultaneously, there are wholly novel teamwork and leadership challenges that are pushing executives to develop completely new models in real time, at scale, to buoy productivity and morale.
Powered by Bloomberg data and the collective wisdom of the world’s largest newsroom, The New Normal is a briefing series designed to help today’s executive class navigate the unprecedented and unforeseen challenges facing businesses right now. We look deeply at three core areas – teamwork, leadership, and innovation – interrogating assumptions and searching for solutions to the unique problems facing executives in these unprecedented times. We talk to top organizational and operational experts, academics, and business leaders across a range of industries, examining everything from the technological and process solutions companies are developing, to the psychology of organization and leadership.
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