Connecting people and ideas to address the world’s most pressing challenges.


Rooted in world-leading global journalism and data, Bloomberg New Economy tracks and unpacks the global economy for global leaders with the power and influence to change the world.

Annual Forum

The Bloomberg New Economy Forum cultivates the conversations that surface the best ideas, exposes them to capital in all its forms, and drives the dialogue toward solutions. In 2023 the Forum gathered the world’s most influential leaders in Singapore from November 8-10. 

Our Community


750+ of the world’s most influential CEOs, leaders, visionaries, scientists, entrepreneurs, and policymakers

100M 100 million global viewers seeking our trusted content

Our Community

750+ of the world’s most influential CEOs, leaders, visionaries, scientists, entrepreneurs, and policymakers

100 million global viewers seeking our trusted content

Founding Partners

Global organizations that span sectors and geographies, drawn together by a desire to shape a more equitable economic future

Host Partner

Singapore, a small city with a big dream, where business is a force for good

Presenting Partners

Global organizations that span sectors and geographies, drawn together by a desire to shape a more equitable economic future

Spotlight Economy Partner

Emerging economies that have outsized ideas and influence

Research Partners

Bloomberg experts providing cutting-edge intelligence

Founding Partners

Global organizations that span sectors and geographies, drawn together by a desire to shape a more equitable economic future

Host Partner

Singapore, a small city with a big dream, where business is a force for good

Presenting Partners

Global organizations that span sectors and geographies, drawn together by a desire to shape a more equitable economic future

Spotlight Economy Partner

Emerging economies that have outsized ideas and influence

Research Partners

Bloomberg experts providing cutting-edge intelligence