Photographer: Ted + Chelsea Cavanaugh for Bloomberg Businessweek; Food stylist: Nora Singley

Texture, Flavor, Funk! Six Rules for Building a Better Cheese Board

With new books devoted to hors d’oeuvres platters, cheese is so hot right now. (But actually, for best results try and keep it at room temperature.)

Cheese board: Two words that have come to mean much more than the sum of their parts. The go-to appetizer platter has become a competitive sport among hosts, driven by a fanaticism for curds from around the world, from supremely creamy to challengingly funky. But even though these plates have inspired Instagram pages with hundreds of thousands of followers, like @ThatCheesePlate, creating your own photo-worthy selection is as simple as following these six rules—and bending them when you need to. Because the true joy of filling up a fantastic cheese board is watching it empty out as people dive in.

Besides a mix of base milks—cow, goat, sheep—consider textures. Arrange crowd-pleasing classics such as Camembert and the goat cheese Bucheron alongside adventurous, full-flavored cheeses like the blue-veined Red Rock cheddar and the bloomy-rinded Italian buffalo cheese Casatica. Plan for 1 or 2 oz. per person per cheese.