Tyler Cowen, Columnist

A Covid Vaccine Is the Next Tourist Attraction

If a treatment were not yet available where you live,  how far would you travel to get it?

One of many tourist attractions in Istanbul.

Photographer: YASIN AKGUL/AFP
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Covid-19 has brought so many new and difficult choices into people’s lives, and now there is another one, particularly for well-to-do Americans: If a vaccine were not yet available in the U.S., would you fly to another country to get it?

It is now possible to have a decent sense of which nation is winning the vaccine race, and it is not the U.S. A Chinese vaccine is being distributed now, and so far it seems to be safe and modestly effective. The data are not sufficiently clear that you ought to get one now, but it is easy to imagine that in another month or two the Chinese vaccine will be a plausible option.