
Why Clorox Wipes Are Still So Hard to Find

Shortage isn’t improving; ‘within 30-45 minutes they’re gone’

As many businesses around the world struggle, a Canadian disinfectant company is increasing production to keep up with demand during the novel coronavirus outbreak. Photo: Ron Kolumbus/WSJ

Toilet paper is back on shelves and hand sanitizer is easier to find, but one item remains as elusive as ever: disinfectant wipes.

Clorox Co. CLX 0.68%increase; green up pointing triangle and Lysol maker Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC have seen sales of sanitizing wipes more than double in the past two months amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to Nielsen. But while makers of other hard-to-find staples are catching up with demand, the producers of Clorox, Lysol and private-label wipes are as far behind as ever. Clorox said it doesn’t expect to catch up until summer, while Reckitt Benckiser said it is unsure when supplies will replenish.

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