Energy & Science

New Gas Plants Threaten Carbon Hangover Long Past Biden Deadline

More than a dozen utilities are pursuing fossil fuel assets that will far outlast President Biden’s 15-year deadline for a zero-emissions electric grid

The coal and natural gas-powered Barry plant sits adjacent to the Mobile River in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta.

The coal and natural gas-powered Barry plant sits adjacent to the Mobile River in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta.

Source: Mobile Baykeeper

The red-and-white flue stacks of the James M. Barry Electric Generating Station tower over the Mobile River, belching steam into the Alabama sky. The sprawling complex of coal and natural gas plants already spews more than 7.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent every year. Now it's about to get even bigger, with a seventh unit estimated to cost $635 million by the time it starts service in 2023.

The new gas plant, and others like it, has a 40-year lifespan. That means it will still be there in 2035, the year that President Joe Biden has promised a zero-emission electricity sector, and in 2050, the deadline set by its owner, Southern Co., to reach carbon neutrality. It could even burn past 2060, more than a century after the first coal facility opened on the site — making the complex a testament to the endurance of fossil fuels.