Green Swan 2021: coordinating finance on climate

Joint virtual conference by the Bank for International Settlements, Bank of France, International Monetary Fund and Network for Greening the Financial System, 2-4 June 2021.

A volume featuring special guest speeches and high-level panels of the conference is available here.

4 June

3 June

2 June

Sessions marked with were livestreamed on this page.

View agenda in PDF

2 June

12:15PM - 1:15PM Introduction: Why this Conference? How in practice can the financial sector take immediate action against climate change-related risks?

Moderator: Minouche Shafik (LSE)

  • Kristalina Georgieva (IMF)
  • François Villeroy de Galhau (Banque de France)
  • Frank Elderson (ECB; NGFS)
  • Agustín Carstens (BIS)
1:15PM - 1:45PM

Mainstreaming climate risk management: what next?

Mark Carney (Finance Adviser to the UK Prime Minister for COP 26; UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance)

1:45PM - 3:00PM

Parallel sessions

3:00PM - 3:15PM Break
3:15PM - 3:45PM Special guest speech by Robert Engle (Michael Armellino Professor of Finance, NYU Stern School of Business)
3:45PM - 4:15PM

Our climate crisis, the financial system and the sustainability revolution

Al Gore (Chairman, Generation Investment Management)

4:15PM - 5:30PM Parallel session: Panel discussions
5:30PM - 5:45PM Break
5:45PM - 6:00PM Climate risks, financial markets and central banks' risk management

Jens Weidmann (Chair of the BIS Board of Directors and President of the Deutsche Bundesbank)
6:00PM - 6:30PM Climate change: our most global challenge

Tao Zhang (Deputy Managing Director, IMF)

3 June

1:00PM - 1:15PM Introduction by Sylvie Goulard (Second Deputy Governor, Banque de France)
1:15PM - 1:45PM Special guest speech by Mario Monti (President of Bocconi University; former Prime Minister of Italy)
1:45PM - 3:00PM Parallel session: Panel discussions
3:00PM - 3:30PM Special guest speech by Joseph Stiglitz (Professor, Columbia University)
3:30PM - 3:45PM Break
3:45PM - 4:15PM Special guest speech by Frank Elderson (Member of the Executive Board and Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board, ECB; Chair, NGFS)
4:15PM - 5:30PM Parallel session: Panel discussions
5:30PM - 6:00PM Climate change and the precautionary imperative

Sarah Bloom Raskin (former Deputy Secretary, United States Treasury; former Governor, Federal Reserve Board)
6:00PM - 6:30PM Tackling climate change for real: progress and next steps

Andrew Bailey (Governor, Bank of England)

4 June

8:30AM - 9:00AM Special guest speech by Laurent Fabius (former President of COP21 / Paris Agreement)
9:00AM - 10:15AM Parallel sessions: Panel discussions
10:15AM - 10:30AM Break
10:30AM - 11:00AM Special guest speech by Zhou Xiaochuan (President, China Society for Finance and Banking; Vice Chairman, Boao Forum for Asia; former Governor, People's Bank of China)
11:00AM - 12:15PM Parallel session: Panel discussions
12:15PM - 12:30PM Break
12:30PM - 1:00PM Economic leadership for transformation in a critical decade: managing risks and fostering investment

Nicholas Stern (IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government and Chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics)
1:00PM - 2:45PM Concluding panel

2:45PM - 3:00PM

Main messages of the conference by Luiz A Pereira da Silva (Deputy General Manager, BIS)
3:00PM - 3:30PM The conference messages in light of the G20 Presidency programme

Ignazio Visco (Governor, Bank of Italy; G20 Presidency)