About The Event
The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare the inequality in our global healthcare system. While wealthier nations rush to secure vaccine booster shots and millions in poor countries await their first jabs, an age-old scourge remains a constant threat: cancer. Cancer remains a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. Even as the medical community makes outstanding progress in cancer research, the stark reality is that many patients lack access to affordable, high-quality care. There are significant disparities in cancer outcomes which depend on a person's socioeconomic status, racial background, education, health insurance coverage, geographical location and access to medical facilities. Unless we take decisive action, the number of lives lost to cancer is set to rise. Research shows that improvements in cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and follow-ups helps reduce the number of people who die from the disease. But, a world where everyone has equal access to cancer care requires significant changes. Cancer care needs to be accessible and affordable. Governments need to place cancer care high up on the national agenda. We need further advances in surgical techniques. And patients deserve culturally sensitive, targeted and personalised services. At “Bloomberg Prognosis: Reshaping Cancer Care,” we gather health-industry executives and policymakers for in-depth conversations on how to revamp cancer care and create innovative ways to deliver uniform, high quality, accessible and affordable care to every patient in need of treatment.
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