The Pandemic Was Supposed to Push All Shopping Online. It Didn’t.

E-commerce retailers that rode a surge of online purchases in 2020 are now grappling with the fact that some customers have returned to stores

Gabriel Zimmer for The Wall Street Journal

When millions of locked-down Americans went online during the Covid-19 pandemic, it looked like the possible start of a permanent shift in consumer behavior.

Just like working and watching movies at home, shopping at home was a faster, safer and easier alternative to trekking to an actual store. Companies like Inc., AMZN -3.42%decrease; red down pointing triangle PayPal Holdings Inc., PYPL -1.83%decrease; red down pointing triangle Shopify Inc. SHOP -4.62%decrease; red down pointing triangle and Wayfair Inc. W -7.41%decrease; red down pointing triangle and others notched record profits, as their stock prices hit all-time highs in 2020 or 2021.

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