
A Hudson Valley Resort Bets New Yorkers Will Pay Extra for Farm Life

Auberge’s Wildflower Farms is an experiment in rustic luxury.

A Wildflower Farms cabin.

Source: Auberge Resorts Collection

“Everybody’s from Brooklyn.”

Emily Galvin, an experience coordinator at Wildflower Farms, Auberge Resorts Collection, in New York’s Hudson River Valley, had just asked me where I’d driven from. (Brooklyn.) A group of us were gathering eggs, still warm, inside the wire fence surrounding the chicken coop. A rosy-cheeked toddler wearing a Carhartt beanie was digging into a paper bag full of mealworms and other delicacies, then squealing with delight as she hurled fistfuls of the stuff over the pecking head of Rimona, the resident rooster and one of 70 feathered fowl here.