Crash Course
Hosted by Bloomberg Opinion senior executive editor Tim O'Brien, Crash Course will bring listeners directly into the arenas where epic business and social upheavals occur. Every week, Crash Course will explore the lessons to be learned when creativity and ambition collide with competition and power -- on Wall Street and Main Street, and in Hollywood and Washington.
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I will miss this podcast
I just heard Tim say todays episode will be the last. I will miss Tim’s voice immensely! Thank you for your work.
Echo Chamber
I listened to the Taylor Swift episode thinking it would be an intriguing, intelligent conversation about Taylor Swift against the world. Then the guest started talking. The show became an echo chamber repeatedly taking shots at the caricaturized white MAGA football fan. I’m not even sure if such a character exists, but the guest and host seemed obsessed with the idea that others hate seeing women in football. This conversation was probably really germane in 1982 or some bygone era when white men were all Archie Bunker, but these two seem to have been stuck in a bunker devoid of the reality that most people don’t like Swift because of fake conversations like this. I lost IQ points listening to this garbage; however, I think it is necessary listening as there still backwards people walking the Earth criticizing others of the very flaws they carry in the criticization.
Loved this!
I love Tim O’Briens voice ,,, and his even mannered take on issues ,,, my favorite episodes were Barbie. And Taylor Swift takes on the world. Thanks Tim!!!
Outstanding and important conversations
I love all the episodes but was especially moved by your conversation with Andrew Weissmann. As many times as I’ve heard both of you speak I’ve never heard anything quite like that. The last few minutes were priceless and reflected exactly and poetically what I’ve been feeling through the Trump years. I’m grateful to both of you for helping us all get through this.
Frank Luntz
Engrossing interview with someone who is fastidious in the use of language, a good thing, I would say, for a pollster. He also had no hesitation in correcting O’Brien on misstatements concerning his CV, in particular which politicians he had worked for. Pointed comments about political communication and behavior and how they have changed over the course of his career. Blunt mea culpas about things he wishes he had done differently. Outstanding discussion. Knew the name but nothing about him. Enlightening.
Solid host
I love Tim. He’s so mellow, measured and straightforward. What would it take for him to get his hair on fire? I’d hate to find out. I’ve been easing into this podcast but I’m starting to love it.
Insightful interviews, pointed questions
Tim is in top shape as a reporter and you get the full story and guest. Sadly this sometimes means the guest is exposed as an idiot, so finishing the episode is then a challenge.
Love the show!
Love the show, Tim! Please don’t bring on Frank Luntz on again, he’s a d@&k! Cannot stand him!
Ms. Susan Howard
I enjoy your podcasts. Susan Del Percio is incorrect in my opinion about Democrats not turning out to vote for President Biden in 2024. The people I talk to think more highly of Biden than we have of any other president in our lifetimes, he’s gotten so much accomplished especially in this volatile political environment and he’s kind and empathetic. He’s a good man.
Too preachy, anti white
As stated
- Channel
- CreatorBloomberg and iHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2022 - 2025
- Episodes66
- RatingClean
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProviderBloomberg L.P.
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