Getting Warmer With Kal Penn

Last Resorts in the Fight Against Global Warming

On this episode of Getting Warmer With Kal Penn, we explore radical Plan Bs for slowing the climate crisis and protecting vulnerable populations.

Getting Warmer With Kal Penn—Episode 4: The Last Resorts

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What are the Plan Bs in humanity’s effort to fight global warming and protect increasingly vulnerable populations from climate extremes? In this episode of the Bloomberg Originals series Getting Warmer With Kal Penn, we delve into a few radical strategies, including supercharging the oceans’ ability to soak up carbon dioxide and the managed retreat of people and infrastructure from low-lying, dangerously hot and drought-stricken areas all across the globe.

But with the dream of a dramatic solution to the fossil-fuel induced calamity we face comes the unforeseen consequences of geoengineering. While it’s clear what greenhouse gas emissions have done to the atmosphere, and by extension the planet below, Kal Penn asks what happens when we tinker with the forces of nature in a bid to reverse the damage done.