Getting Warmer With Kal Penn

There Are Millions to Be Made in the War on Methane

In this episode of Getting Warmer, Kal Penn breaks down everything you need to know about the greenhouse gas and the financial benefits of fixing leaks.

Getting Warmer With Kal Penn—Episode 8: Tackling Methane

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Methane has 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide, and huge amounts of it leak into the atmosphere every day. Global oil and gas operations emit giant plumes of the gas and almost everything you eat—especially meat—carries a methane cost.

In the eighth episode of the Bloomberg Originals series Getting Warmer With Kal Penn, Penn breaks down all you need to know about methane, the surprising places it’s leaking from and why fixing those leaks is a quick way to slow global warming and turn a buck. Penn heads to West Texas to meet the founder of a fossil fuel company who realized plugging those methane-spewing holes was a huge financial opportunity. Ryan Keys, co-founder of Triple Crown Resources, says he’s found a way to eliminate most of his company’s leaks and make millions of dollars in the process.