
Trump's First 100 Days

Republicans Block Ukraine Aid Bill, Putting New Pressure on Border Talks

GOP demands immigration measures in exchange for supporting foreign-assistance package

President Biden said he was willing to work with Republicans in Congress to do ‘significantly more’ on border security in order to pass tens of billions of dollars in new aid for Ukraine, which runs out by the end of the year. Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

President Biden’s push to pass tens of billions in new aid for Ukraine stalled in the Senate on Wednesday, but the setback could inject new urgency into bipartisan talks over border-security measures that Republicans have demanded as a condition for their support.  

Democrats’ sweeping foreign-aid measure providing $110.5 billion for Ukraine, Israel and other global hot spots was blocked by Republicans in an initial procedural vote. Forty-nine senators backed the measure and 51 were against, falling short of the 60-vote threshold needed to advance.

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